Thursday, February 26, 2009

A heart stopping morning

CCAR gave us some wonderful backpacks. As I was leaving California, I was thinking I needed a new bag because the one I had was too big to shlep all over. We got in and they gave us these perfect backpacks. However, they all look the same!

I got to the room to start the program in time to have a quick bite and coffee. I had a chance to meet a wonderful rtired rabbi who is now an author. Then they started calling numbers to leave with their groups. My new friend and I said goodbye, picked up our bags and left.

As my group and I started walking to the car we would take, I reached in my bag to get my sunglasses. But the bag was not mine! I saw a black jacket and thought it must be my roomates. Called her, no, not her bag. It was the new friend's bag. But where was he and yes, there was some immediate panic. My wallet, camera and iPhone was in that bag. How was I going to blog!

Thanks to the amazing staff of daat, they tracked down my new friend and we were reunited in a few hours.

What did I learn? First, web you have 300 people with the same bag, make sure to label yours! Second, when with a group of 300 rabbis, there is no need to panic, we're in it together.

Now, off to tel aviv for exploring and learning. This following a wonderful morning with Our own special tours of Jerusalem and the progressive movement's connections and the memorial at Mt
Herzl to the Ethiopian Jews who died en route to Israel.

Now it's time to eat our way through Jaffa.

(I have my bag)

-- Post From My iPhone in Israel

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